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QFT8-15 Fully Automatic Brick Forming Mahcine
QFT8-15 is a multi-functional machine upgraded from QT8-15, which can produce more types of bricks. QFT8-15 can produce color paving bricks and blocks with color material system. It can feed the materials twice automatically. As long as the moulds are changed, QT8-15 can produce standard brick, block, environmental brick, light ceramic particle brick, gra-planting brick, heat proof bricks, products related to road and railway, concrete items related to city projects and products made of construction slags. QFT8-15 is the machine for scale production of concrete products. Independent MD Stacker can be used with the machine.
空心砖 390×190×190 8块/模Brick pieces
390*190*190 Hollow brick 8ps/m (pieces/model)